
Here you can read poetry, updates on my book and other dabbles in the future

Tales of Telemberg chapter 2 update

Chapter 2: The lady in the woods As it broke free from the clutches of the shadows gripping its figure, emerged a woman, casting aside the darkness with an air of defiance. She exuded an aura of timeless elegance, power and enigmatic charm, her presence effortlessly commanding the very essence of the forest itself. Her eyes, akin to shards of ice reflecting the moon’s ethereal glow, possessed a mesmerizing gaze. Within their gaze one could discern an insatiable hunger that defied mortal comprehension, its allure both intoxicating and dangerous. A predator concealed within the frame of their prey, a perfect disguise, a creature of the night and a puppet running on the crimson threads of her victims. Stepping forward, the forest seemed to draw back, the leaves shivering in fear and the realm pushing her forward. Her lips curled with a smirk as she greeted Ebrius with a mixture of amusement and disdain. “Well, well, well” she chuckled “Not quite what I expected, but you’re definitely him

Ive never thought of you

 I've Never Thought of You By Waldt Steyn I do not think of you when I wake, Yet you are the dawn who keeps my dreams forsake, In the gentle lull of morning's embrace, Your essence lingers, leaving me awake. I do not think of you with the morning sun, Yet your warmth unfolds, like petals one by one Born in the golden strokes that paint the day, A memory of you stays not at bay. I do not think to you as the moon draws near,  Yet your voice dances like crystals, ever so clear, Here and there, in every sphere  Your presence whispers, ever so near. I do not think of you when twilight falls, Yet your shadows continue to paint these hallowed halls, In the clouds far up in the dark sky above, Lies your face that I simply can not unlove. I do not think of you as the stars emerge, Yet your name is woven through every swerve,  In all the constellations, in every gleam I see, In the tapestry of the cosmos, lies your love's melody. I do not think of you when dreams arrive, Yet you are

Legends tell of a face

  In the realm of endless love to you I swear, A promise unyielding, beyond any to compare, Through the endless windows of history's eternal grace, No sight rivals that, than the sweetness of your gracious face. Legends tell of a face, Romes golden prize, A theft launching ships 'neath these azure skies, Doubts arise like whispers in the gale, If I were to loose you, could the forests, fires and winds prevail? It is said that for generations people have fallen for your face, Yet I doubt no printed copies, could match your blended grace, A beauty so pure, through centuries refined, I find you buried deep into my very mind.

Chapter 1: Ebrius

 Chapter 1: Ebrius The crooked ash serpent rising from the tavern's chimney, along with the occasional explosions and sparks flying out of its windows, were just a few of the many signs that Ebrius, the town's one and only reject wizard, was drunk and had once again changed his profession from the towns mediocre party entertainer to a mad and quite intoxicated pyromaniac. A quick glance inside the cozy-looking tavern would reveal Ebrius wearing his raggedy grey wizarding robe back-to-front, dangerously playing around with his staff, creating flames that grew increasingly uncontrollable. As the patrons in the tavern covered their drinks and eyes, almost cowering together under the newly installed non-flammable tables, Ebrius continued to perform, lost in his own world of wizardry and wonder. Unexpectedly, Ebrius's staff started to whine and puff smoke, rattling and tensing up, crackling and splintering. But instead of ending his performance as usual, Ebrius pushed forward

Tales of Telemberg prologue

 About: Tales of Telemberg is a fantasy story I've been working on filled with rich story telling and will keep updating till finshed! Prologue: The crackling and sparking of wood, accompanied by bright shimmers of red ribbons, licking and scorching the once cold stone walls of Kemeron's hall, signaled the beginning of the devastating inferno. The valleys of previously crowded passages leading deep into the mountain, with polished marble floors, mirrored the shimmer of golden flames that were eating through the heart of the city. The scent of unsold breads, butters, and wines roasting and boiling in the market was overwhelmed by the strong, lingering smell of charcoal emanating from the once-proud carpenter's workshop. The smoke that filled the vast and seemingly endless corridors had begun to seep through the sweeping steel gates. The clouds burnt black from the smoke and coiled far and wide, covering the heavens of Telemberg. By now, news of the great calamity had spread

Admist the concrete halls

Admist the concrete halls _by Waldt Steyn_ Admist the concrete halls it stands, Where echoes of eras rise from sands, It's walls adorned with stories in silent art, Beats something foreign, my lady's heart. Found within it's chambers are treasures that shine and gleam, It's artifacts follow it's timeless theme, Near it's symphony of colours, a true piece of art, Stands something foreign, my lady's heart. Where eye's reflect from glass planes that stand, A girl, a masterpiece, in transient sands, No fitted frame or marbel statue grace, Hunched over is my lover's gracious face.

Her beauty is like no other

Her beauty is like no other by Waldt Steyn No eyes of stars shall grace this verse, Yet their charm, no gem can disperse, For your light shines from eyes with grace, It outshines all jewels in any place. Your skin is flawed, as silk be fair, Yet it tells stories and memories, I can't help but stare, Each flaw a map drawn in with lead, A statement, a path, the life you tread. Though you may fade and your perfume depart, Your scent remains, and lingers in my heart, A fragrance of love, one worthy to weep, A treasure more precious than secrets we keep. So here lies my tribute, a verse that's sincere, To your beauty that's unequivocally clear, In your imperfections a work of art shines, A love untamed by conventional lines.