Tales of Telemberg prologue


Tales of Telemberg is a fantasy story I've been working on filled with rich story telling and will keep updating till finshed!


The crackling and sparking of wood, accompanied by bright shimmers of red ribbons, licking and scorching the once cold stone walls of Kemeron's hall, signaled the beginning of the devastating inferno. The valleys of previously crowded passages leading deep into the mountain, with polished marble floors, mirrored the shimmer of golden flames that were eating through the heart of the city. The scent of unsold breads, butters, and wines roasting and boiling in the market was overwhelmed by the strong, lingering smell of charcoal emanating from the once-proud carpenter's workshop.

The smoke that filled the vast and seemingly endless corridors had begun to seep through the sweeping steel gates. The clouds burnt black from the smoke and coiled far and wide, covering the heavens of Telemberg. By now, news of the great calamity had spread to all the cities across the land and had even been recognized by the careless and lazy gods of the realm.

 The gentle east wind spread a blanket of dark brown snow across the golden crop fields yet to be harvested. As daylight faded and fell behind the valley of hills, a net of sparkling gems cast across the night sky was soon outmatched by the beaming glow of the distant burning city.

The flames grew higher and hotter, their very gaze burning and tearing its way through anything unfortunate enough to stand in its path. Panicked citizens poured out onto the exhausted marble floors. It seemed to shatter with each step of the scrambling crowds fleeing their torching homes. Each desperately clutching their belongings, trying to stay alive.

Although chaos in the city raged only harder as the flames grew, many brave volunteers wielding buckets of water and sand began banding together, hopelessly trying to quell the flames and save any remnants remaining of Kemeron. Their efforts seemed more hopeless after each bucket, completely futile against the fire's deadly tears.

In the castle higher up, still safe from the fire stood the King. He tearfully watched in horror as his beloved kingdom was consumed by the blaze. Fields that he once walked in, houses his people lived in and children whose futures were to thrive in this city all seemed to end up the same, dust blowing in the wind. He knew something had to be done to stop the destruction and protect all the people he held so dearly.

Gathering his advisors, he devised a plan to summon all the mages in the land, powerful or meddling, anyone who could help fend the city from complete destruction. One thing stayed uncertain in his mind: would they arrive in time to save Kemeron from complete destruction, or would he and everything else all disappear?


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