Tales of Telemberg chapter 2 update

Chapter 2: The lady in the woods
As it broke free from the clutches of the shadows gripping its figure, emerged a woman, casting aside the darkness with an air of defiance. She exuded an aura of timeless elegance, power and enigmatic charm, her presence effortlessly commanding the very essence of the forest itself.
Her eyes, akin to shards of ice reflecting the moon’s ethereal glow, possessed a mesmerizing gaze. Within their gaze one could discern an insatiable hunger that defied mortal comprehension, its allure both intoxicating and dangerous. A predator concealed within the frame of their prey, a perfect disguise, a creature of the night and a puppet running on the crimson threads of her victims.
Stepping forward, the forest seemed to draw back, the leaves shivering in fear and the realm pushing her forward. Her lips curled with a smirk as she greeted Ebrius with a mixture of amusement and disdain.
“Well, well, well” she chuckled “Not quite what I expected, but you’re definitely him.”
Ebrius felt a knot begin to form in his stomach, his heart began to race, and his grim look of despair was soon suffocated by one of shock and fear.
“You may think yourself brave, little one” she sneered, circling Ebrius like a predator stalking it’s helpless prey, “But I know better. I can hear your heart beating, that look upon your face and worse, that terrible stench coming from you. But fear not for what’s about to happen...is beyond your control.
As she spoke, an ember flickered to life and shone light upon their faces, growing from the shadows the sound of dirt being trudged and voices arose. “Do you really think that was him?” one voice exclaimed “Well he was described to be…rather unpleasant looking” replied another seeming to drip doubt upon the words he spoke.
The figure crept back into the shadows, it’s eye smothered in the darkness once more, and their light seemingly vanishing into Temin’s ink.
The footsteps grew louder with each passing second and from the darkness emerged the ember. Surrounding the light were 3 knights, their ash kissed plates struggling to cast even the faintest gleam, It’s light was mute, subdued and suffocated, left clinging to it’s dull surface, yet it persisted managing to cast a faint, eerie glow.
“What’s going on here?” demanded one, his face as rough as stone with a thick ginger beard emerging from his helm.
“I say he’s demented” said a second
“Demented? No, an idiot perhaps but look at him” exclaimed the third
“Aye, hard on the eyes…are you Ebrius?” said the second once more with a wary look upon his face.
Ebrius stood there, his face forming an expression of relief and hurt as he stared at their short figures. “D-did you not see that‽”
“Demented?” repeated the first
“Demented.” agreed the others in unison
“No! I’m not dememted!” exclaimed Ebrius, his face resembling that of a bloated cherry, “There was a lady here she-“
“She what? Ran away?” laughed the second . “Listen here lad, there are no ladies in these woods, certainly not with you around” he continued.
Ebrius’s face reddened further. “I’m telling you, she was here! Her eyes were blue embers that burnt like the moon and her voice, cold like the wind”
The knights exchanged amused glances. “Oh we see!” said the first his voice on the brink of laughter “A lady lurking in the shadows, with eyes that burn like…what was it again?”
“The moon” chimed the third.
“The moon? On fire? Oh my that is troubling.” Continued the first gazing up towards the sky.
The second jumped in, his voice growing with excitement. “No, no, no! The demented said they burned like the moon, you see?”
The first snorted up an expression of disbelief. “Aye, so he is demented?”
“I fear so.” replied the third.
“No! He was being poetic! I think he really loved this lass.” Added the second
The knights continued their useless exchange as Ebrius stood there, he looked upon them with a face of disbelief and worry his eyes trying to capture their features. Each of them bore the crest of Kemron carved deep into their steel to represent their way of living.


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